Overeaters Anonymous
"For Today"
Daily 8am ET
Meditation Meeting
Service Board January 1 - June 30, 2025
GC Chairperson ~ Kate in Texas
Secretary ~ Deb B
Co-Treasurers ~ Karen R
We Care List Coordinator ~ Wanda
Meeting Contact ~ Bill
Service Contact ~ Doreen
Service Co-Coordinators ~ April, Deb B
Website & Zoom Coordinator ~ Stacey D
Literature ~ Paula M

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The tool of connection
If you'd like to share your contact information for outreach, please click the link above to submit. You'll then be added & receive a copy.
Newcomers, we welcome you!
Use the button above to receive a newcomers packet, order literature, get meeting times & tools, plus other OA info...
Also, please consider adding your contact
info to our We Care List to the right.
We're glad you're here!
Our 8am Meeting Format
We welcome volunteers who would like to read the 12 Steps or tradition of the month. We invite you to come on 5-10 minutes before the start of the meeting to volunteer your services.
We utilize the OA “For Today” book and read the daily passage. The reading is shown on the screen so it is not necessary to have your book with you. Each day, we seek a volunteer to read and are always looking to hear from new voices – when asked, raise your virtual hand and the Chair will select someone.
After the reading, we have a 5 minute silent meditation and then open the room for sharing. This meeting uses a timekeeper in an effort to hear from many fellows. Each share is 2 minutes. If needed, our timekeeper will say, "gentle reminder" prompting the sharer to conclude their thoughts.
For everyone’s security:
The chat is set to host and co-host only until 8:45.
Unmuting is disabled until your turn to share. Then a box will pop up asking you to unmute.
Renaming is disabled but you may request a change in the chat (privately) to the fellow renaming (which will be announced each morning).
History of the 8am Meeting
The Overeaters Anonymous "For Today" Daily Meditation Meeting was started March 30, 2020, when the COVID pandemic started and the world was placed on lockdown. For ten weeks, we averaged nine participants until the Group Conscience decided to add this meeting to the OA.org website. In June, we started a nine-month journey upwards to 90 participants, with many service positions and visitors from all over the world.
Seventh tradition contributions are used to pay for our video conferencing account, newcomer packets, and this website. The remainder is sent to the OA World Service Office to help carry the message to other compulsive overeaters. Thank you for donating!
Click the button above to...
* Submit your suggestion(s)
* Learn what Group Conscience Meetings are
* Review the previous GC Meeting minutes
* Preview the upcoming GC Meeting Agenda
* Learn when to attend the upcoming "For Today" 8am GC Meeting
Please click the button above to view daily service positions.
Service adds to the quality of our own recovery.
OA's Seventh Tradition, along with any other form of service, helps reach a fellow sufferer and adds to the quality of our own recovery. Members can be of service by leading the meeting, being a technical assistant, or welcoming newcomers after the meeting. Please note, there are no abstinence requirements for service at this meeting. If you are not trained, we will be glad to train you.
To do service, please click the button above to visit and utilize our service signup tool.
Choose a few or as many days as you can do, we are grateful for any service you can give. Thank you in advance!